发表于 2004 年 11 月 2 日 13:52:46
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4 V4 h3 @% Z* Z" ]* u6 n/ B' sFile Name: longfengdouA.rm# Q) G9 |7 P0 N, l. k& W0 O
Last Modified: Mon, 01 Nov 2004 02:28:57 GMT# S- R2 |$ c: ^* l
File Size: 149,968,915 Bytes
/ X5 p$ G6 K, y0 e, c) P- yTitle: 网娱先锋制作(www.wangyu365.com)2 H+ x8 w9 D' c3 N* _
Author: 网娱先锋制作(www.wangyu365.com)
R4 O8 g) G8 R2 R Z1 kCopyright: (c)2002 RealMedia
H' w3 h) c0 o+ L- i' k4 M# uDuration: 46:00.387 , p0 z. P% i, h: ]) _* O$ P9 |4 R
Buffer Time: 3.7 seconds
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Video Codec: 383.3 Kbps (RealVideo 9)% E, [2 A/ [' A: J% R, M) `3 B
Player Compatibility: RealPlayer 8.0 or later |