PhotoRec 主要用於檔案的救援,支援硬碟、隨身碟,別小看醜醜的 DOS 畫面,經過實測,真的可以救回圖片及 PDF、ZIP...等檔案,救回的檔案會自動儲存於指定路徑的「recup_dir.x」資料夾內。(
[2009.04.22] 上次更新:2008/8/19。
TestDisk is a powerful free data recovery software! It was primarilydesigned to help recover lost partitions and/or make non-booting disksbootable again when these symptoms are caused by faulty software,certain types of viruses or human error (such as accidentally deletinga Partition Table).
PhotoRec is file data recovery software designed to recover lostfiles including video, documents and archives from Hard Disks and CDRomand lost pictures (thus, its 'Photo Recovery' name) from digital cameramemory. PhotoRec ignores the filesystem and goes after the underlyingdata, so it will still work even if your media's filesystem has beenseverely damaged or re-formatted.
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