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Hosting package free
, d& D2 J( ^$ BDedicated Ip Address
3 ^$ |. N8 e; m1 A: M7 }0 {Subdomains 0 / 1 - D/ g) P- j" i8 Q5 u( x: \5 J
Parked Domains 0 / 2
7 c. T! }. w/ n: Z D$ m& [Addon Domains 0 / 2
0 ]* w8 f b5 d9 nMySQL Databases 0 / 2 * c5 j; U, O4 ^ j
Postgresql Databases 0 / 2 ; p% k: c' y; x. l4 b2 X
Disk usage 0.17 Megabytes 0 i# Q& j8 r3 m, v1 B
SQL Disk usage 0.00 Megabytes 6 e0 C# R2 O9 T9 B$ f$ i& F
Disk space available 149.83 Megabytes
1 @6 ]# ]0 R. d) `( f/ hBandwidth usage (current month) 0.00 Megabytes
4 c6 u. c3 E" j/ H z* SEmail Accounts 0 / 1
4 K" W. g& ~/ v2 B9 F" SEmail Forwarders 0
# e0 I; r: Q1 E- Z3 s" C% WAutoresponders 0 - e- N" s# w+ `! U
Mailing Lists 0 / 1 ! z% E9 z% E: B% g+ {: k3 q8 ^* B
Email filters 0
. `, _- w+ ^' S9 V: z0 nFtp Accounts 0 / 1
' ~: z: `" B5 c1 k
) _) }2 N+ v; Z+ @- FGeneral server information:
3 f" Z# G2 R" K4 S0 w7 lOperating system Linux 4 g0 P& x4 S! L& x- l. k
Service Status Click to View
6 ?$ z- ?+ {' o2 rKernel version 2.4.21-20.ELsmp
& t8 }/ M5 ]- C# C" ]- q; ZMachine Type i686 3 c. v [) a/ i! G) l7 C: |
Apache version 1.3.33 (Unix) 3 J% y, ^7 K! s* F( T5 i1 s
PERL version 5.8.4
1 B! o. i1 J4 n3 ?8 w1 y) P* HPath to PERL /usr/bin/perl
8 o* ]5 H4 U5 U# f0 b) \& HPath to sendmail /usr/sbin/sendmail . J) D3 ?1 v: B; V6 M/ n
Installed Perl Modules Click to View
3 A% c4 M8 P& ~. E6 D4 B+ hPHP version 4.3.9
4 A, c9 X3 A1 KMySQL version 4.0.22-standard
; F0 i1 A- R# KcPanel Build 9.9.8-STABLE 6
2 }8 e5 J! I7 q4 y2 QTheme cPanel X v2.5.0
" `0 O) D9 G6 k1 ]4 {Documentation Click to View x Q/ T4 N% R, E
! X5 H/ V5 H& d, ?% X
Dear valued customer, " i1 p# D6 P/ m# o
8 y R3 N9 t" P7 CYour account is now active!
( ?# p& y: u9 W- MThis email contains important information about your
% Y: e% z3 ^' z% h/ r* G& M% ofree web hosting account.$ }: {2 ~& k! ~; K# I `4 Y
T% G* n& `+ qAccess your Control Panel here:6 N' Z( S3 z# m4 b
http://fsts.1800-webhosting.com/cpanel/ . w$ @ A2 u+ K0 X$ x% U
Login name: fsts
* t( \+ Q) S8 l& N. GPassword: 122576763* e0 e* w" A1 L9 [5 N( `7 e' n
$ o* P2 a, E0 u. u& m OTo access your site, use this URL: & y& \3 ]! w2 {6 b6 r" F
http://fsts.1800-webhosting.com 2 b a! M' E4 r; w! z) ?
1 ] r4 D# c) K1 b$ ~* hFTP information: $ D' U+ a* F& N
FTP Host: ftp.fsts.1800-webhosting.com & A: c3 @% D+ H7 f$ o& r- e: y
Login name: fsts ! F; o q$ d+ A9 g8 v& `6 w% A) q
Password: 122576763
4 u$ T: ?4 v9 t. m3 Z-------------------------------------------------$ D% u* C' d9 Y, U C6 N
Nameserver information (domain accounts)
9 w: S" Z" b, e& ?4 jns1.1800-webhosting.com (
" j2 l5 k5 X$ Kns2.1800-webhosting.com ( |