您需要 登录 才可以下载或查看,没有账号?注册
如果你在用Wordpress的话,建议立即在option菜单中禁用“Anyone Can Register”选项。
Leaving it open and letting people sign-up for guest accounts on your Wordpress blog could lead to incredibly nasty stuff happening if anybody so desired. And trust me I am not exaggerating this. So don’t wait a second to disable this option and please relay the message.
Wordpress dev team has been notified a while back and I dare hope they will soon start acting on it, if only by relaying a similar announcement through the official channel (as well as, of course, releasing a proper patch).
消息来源:Dr Dave
WordPress 2.0.4已经发布了,建议使用WordPress的用户去升级.WordPress 2.0.4中文语言包.
http://download.gna.org/wordpres ... ess_2.0.4_zh_CN.zip
不过此漏洞不针对 Xpress 用户 |