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Do you know who I am?

发表于 2004 年 10 月 22 日 20:28:34 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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  Do you know who I am?
" g5 ?3 ?9 k& X& c6 A1 A* y' T! M
2 \* i" A" ?! r( d* V2 @It was the final exam for an English course at a university.
( a# @, y7 {' u7 O6 A& u2 AThe professor was very strict and told the class that any exam" q$ u# j/ N7 o% f
that was not on his desk in exactly two hours would not be, F5 ^1 X9 i. S7 g  z, j' j# P( p5 a8 a
accepted and the student would fail. [s:18]  Thirty minutes into0 x4 E% R" d( ?2 B8 I3 W4 d
the exam,a student came rushing in and asked for an exam booklet.* {0 j0 o! c: O; S" w8 Y" q  e( I
! D: Z$ i. t) A$ m; Q
"You're not going to have time to finish this,"the professor1 d  l2 C9 Y9 K- x
atated as he handed the student a booklet.; J. Z* T' j' R& E  _% ?

1 P% [- J3 i( E( x8 l4 V6 l"yes,I will,"replied the student. He then took a sent and6 w. X0 A4 R, X1 z  _
began writing. After two hours, the students filed up and handed* g# q  ]9 v/ O3 L) w3 T. Q0 I
their exams in. All except the late student,who continued writing.
5 f& x9 [( g# j) `* R, {% {1 T+ Q
& O" L% j; t% N# l) u1 U* WHalf an hour later,he finally came up to the professor's/ Q/ ^5 s$ l5 Z! [
desk and attempted to put his exam on the stack of exam
: _2 B' V  t+ B2 qbooklet"No,you don't,I am not going to accept that.It's late!"2 l+ n- {9 A: j1 Y) P. A5 E
"DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM!"the student asked.
1 z5 M2 i; s0 f* ]% ~. t+ _
7 [' T2 W  g' S3 s2 H"No, and I don't care,"replied the professor with an air of superiority.
( f) Y- \/ P# ]: X' N5 ^1 E8 U. K! Q2 c7 j; [
"Good!" replied the student,who quickly lifted the stack" C1 |+ W5 _: Q7 v6 @
of completed exams,stuffed his in the middle,and walked out of the room. [s:26]
! M9 f0 R- C) S2 T5 B* Q  }; p/ b5 c  v' \
: O, g2 m3 \4 ]' r: v, n( i. Q

. B2 m+ x! K1 N) N& s" n% Q: J中文翻譯:
$ L+ ^( O. U$ N& H6 T' K
. U! r3 j% ~, V/ ?( Q知道我是誰嗎?# c8 K- o* \) n4 L; k& [

1 V$ u- e, `$ x$ j. B: L大學里的英文期末考,有個教授非常嚴格,
8 l. }' B! [: b4 N( G  K3 F要求學生再兩個小時內把試卷交到他桌上,
) u1 Y6 |- n* a" l* l6 l* e否則就不用交了,該科也死當!# q, ^5 D  G1 p
考試進行了三十分鐘,有個學生衝進來要了張考卷7 F# ?( ~) Z2 V( p" n! J7 }7 \
[你寫不完的!]教授給他卷子時這樣說) q- ^& j$ j: {* j  C
+ |4 Y! Z9 }$ S3 n+ v兩個小時後,學生們成疊地交上考卷,除了那個遲到的還在寫著5 ]- o. J; z! s, c( a& Q
又過了半小時,他終於寫完,走近教授的桌子想把考卷交進那疊試卷裡3 B( S$ s% b( f1 O# Z
+ ?# B5 ~4 R( h6 j8 E. \+ L% f[你知道我是誰嗎?]這學生大聲的問著9 W# P( u7 N* P2 X
7 B2 {: W" U, c9 j5 |  Q. ][太好了!]這學生很快的把他那份考卷塞進那疊試卷裡,然後走出教室& i- C& P1 X* H5 E2 d/ ^$ [/ ^1 ^
) \  _+ U' o0 u" g6 y7 K
看的懂嗎? [s:15]
Jgwy.Com - Free Web Hosting Guide & Directory In China since 2001! Jgwy.Net-Jglt.Net
发表于 2004 年 10 月 22 日 20:32:33 | 显示全部楼层
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Do you know who I am?

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