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net2ftp v0.90 php支持中文版(web版ftp程序)

发表于 2006 年 2 月 9 日 21:07:05 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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net2ftp version 0.90 contains:
- HTML editor         FCKEditor version 2.1.1     *updated*
- HTML editor         TinyMCE version 2.0 RC4     *new*
- Code editor         Helene version 0.5 REV 194  *updated*
- Zip library         pclzip version 2.4          *updated*
- Zip library         pcltar version 1.3
- Zip library         zip.lib.php version 2.4     *updated*
- Calendar            Jscalendar version 1.0      *updated*
- Upload applet       JUpload version 0.86        *updated*
- Syntax highlighter  GeSHi               *updated*
net2ftp uses icons from the icon sets:
- nuvola
net2ftp is translated into:
- Simplified Chinese
- Traditonal Chinese
- Czech
- German
- Spanish
- French
- Italian
- Japanese *new*
- Dutch
- Polish
- Portugese
- Russian
- Vietnamese *new*

A new release with enhancements and bugfixes.


- Big change in the overall architecture of net2ftp, for 2 reasons:
   - to allow easy integration of net2ftp within other web-based applications;
   - to separate the programming logic from the presentation logic; net2ftp
     now uses templates.
- In the /integration directory you'll find instructions and code on how to
  integrate net2ftp in 3 popular content management systems: Mambo, Drupal and
- Tested on PHP 5.0.3.
- Improved script speed through analysis of the slower parts.
- New functionality: send arbitrary FTP commands to the FTP server (on PHP 5 only).
- New skin for mobile users (PDA, phone)
- Removed the HTML editor HTMLArea, as the development of it has stopped.
- Added the HTML editor TinyMCE.
- Added title icons.
- Replaced fpassthru() by fread() to save memory when downloading large files.
- Support for right-to-left languages.
- Reduced the nr of settings in settings.inc.php.
- Support for IE 7.0 (user agent).
- Improved sorting according to the modification time and file type.
- Status indicator code is now on skin level (status bar for Blue skin, status
  circle for Pastel skin).
- The home directory of users can now be set in a new table "net2ftp_users".
- Improved input validation.

Bug fixes:

- When changing the language on the login screen, the screen is refreshed. The values
  of the other fields (FTP server, username, etc) were erased during the refresh.
  This is now fixed.
- Sticky bit permission with capital T was not recognized in ftp_scanline. Also added:
  s and S.
- Bug when downloading a file: error message got appended to the content.
- Bug in the copy/move/delete process, when the directory listing could not be retrieved,
  and when the directory contained double slashes.

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发表于 2006 年 2 月 9 日 21:10:18 | 显示全部楼层
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