圖示更換工具-Shedko Folderico 4.0 繁體中文化版
【文章標題】: 圖示更換工具-Shedko Folderico 4.0 繁體中文化版
【文章作者】: 軟體中文化密訓基地-總教頭
【作者信箱】: steven8ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/f2blog
【軟體中文化課程】: http://por.tw/f2blog/2009-tchinese/index.html
【內容分類】: 圖示更換工具-Shedko Folderico 4.0
【附件大小】: 6MB
【基地主機】: http://visdacom.com/f2blog
【解壓密碼】: 軟體中文化教學密訓基地
【版權聲明】: 【原創】軟體中文化密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
圖示更換工具-Shedko Folderico 4.0 繁體中文化版
使用 Folderico 可以說明你輕鬆改變任何資料夾的圖示。
使用 Unicode 可以支援各類語系。(總教頭直接繁體中文化了!)
增加匯入 iColorFolders 主旨功能。
修改 "+" 和 "-" 按鈕位置。
修正 desktop.ini 唯讀時,上下文選單和主程式不能應用圖示。
圖示更換工具-Shedko Folderico 4.0 繁體中文化版
One-stop solution
Among the first of things when Windows 7 launched, users needed a stable program which can quickly change
the folder icons and restore them back to the original state in one click. So we are happy to present a
really good stable app for this purpose. Folderico is a brilliant one-stop solution for all the folder icon
changing needs..
现有 plenty of users who love to organize their folders based on priority, it also makes it easier to
find a specific important folder from among hundreds of sub-folders. What better way than to change the
folder icon to something more eye-candy?
Integration with Explorer
Seamless integration with Windows Explorer and core services. Folderico adds item in contex menu of Windows
Explorer and core services.
Context menu work only on Windows 32-bit.
Custom themes
Folderico uses special format SFT as themes. These files are automatically associated with the program and
are fully-processed.
Folderico also support to use ICL-files and themes from iColorFolder.
Get more themes for Folderico
Translated into
your language
In standard package English and Russian language files are included. Icon names in themes can also be
translated. Also you may download more languages for Folderico.
圖示更換工具-Shedko Folderico 4.0 繁體中文化版下載之檔案位址:
http://por.tw/Downloads/Folderico.4.0.rar 看看呢