**** Hidden Message ***** 重开啊?做PROXY可以么 啊 :) 阿弥陀佛 改密码了? 重开啊?做PROXY可以么musicmao 发表于 2009-4-3 21:02 http://jgwy.net/images/common/back.gif
5.3 Allowed and Banned Content
Though it is not possible to list out all the content that is not allowed to be put up on our servers, we have listed a few here :
We do not allow the following types of site :
1. Warez Sites/Forums
2. Any illegal content
3. Proxy sites
4. Torrentflux sites
5. Mailers/Sites sending spam
6. Child Pornography
7. HYIP/Ponzi Scheme sites 等等等 :( 啥意思